You may have noticed a few photos of a young guy with a beard by Ross Johnson

He's my youngest son, Matt, and he is a patient and photogenic young man.  I often ask him to stand still for me while I balance lights in my studio, or I take photos of him fishing or hunting.  As a result, I have a lot of pictures of him.

Through him, I've discovered that my favourite type of portrait is that of people doing what they love to do.  I like working in studios, but people don't live in studios and it's an unnatural environment.  What I want to do is move the studio outdoors, and photograph people hunting, fishing, kayaking, hiking, or whatever it is that gets them outside.  Although I like natural lighting, I'm not opposed to using speedlights or strobe flashes outdoors, and I think it often adds something.

For example, my homepage photo is of Matt standing outside in the backyard, covered in snow.  I shot that on a brilliant, sunny winter day.  I used a shutter speed of 1/8000 second, an aperture of f/2.8, and a speedlight to illuminate his face.  It's one of the best portraits I've ever shot.

In the portraits gallery, you'll see a photo of my oldest son, Peter, fly fishing from a canoe.  It's one of the most serene photos I've ever taken and a favorite.  

This is the kind of photography I want to do.

Mountain Gorillas by Ross Johnson

One of my galleries contains photographs of mountain gorillas.  I took those photos in 1995 when  I was serving as the head of intelligence with the second UN mission in Rwanda.  Several of us from the Canadian Contingent climbed Karisoke, a volcano in Rwanda on the border with Uganda, to see the gorillas that Dian Fossey made famous in 'Gorillas in the Mist.'  It was an amazing day, and I shot a roll of ISO 1600 Kodak film.  It was processed in Nairobi, Kenya, and I kept the negatives.  I had them transferred to digital at McBain Camera, and after a little work in Lightroom, the best of the bunch are in the gallery.  These photos are the only film photographs  on my website.

Welcome to my new website by Ross Johnson

I've decided to migrate away from Facebook and set up my own specialized photography website.  

The purpose of the website is to share the images I like the most and to show what I am doing.

Please check back regularly to see any new additions.

I've had several people ask me about buying prints.  If you see anything that you'd like to hang on your wall, please contact me at and we can discuss options and ideas.

Thank you,
