I took this image on an extremely bright day last winter. I wanted the back fence to be out of focus, and to do that I had to set the f-stop on the lens wide open. To compensate for the sunlight I set the shutter speed to 1/8000 second. I used an electronic flash to brighten his face a little and separate him from the background.

This is a part of the North Saskatchewan River called Keyhole. It is a popular spot to fish for sturgeon.

Ashley is a Realtor with Maxwell Polaris in Edmonton, and a good friend of my wife, Ann. I have a small studio in the basement of the house, and I am always looking for subjects to practice on. Ann was having some friends over for dinner one night and told them that I was available to photograph them if they wanted. It was a great evening, and this is my favourite image of the night.

This is my son, Peter, fly-fishing at Fish Lake. I particularly like the way that he and all the fly line is in focus, showing the chain of activity. Another photographer recommended that I remove the horizontal white lines from the water as they were distracting: I replied that they were trout rising, and they were the reason he was there.

Laura is the first professional model I've ever worked with, and I met her the day after I got my Nikon D810 camera and wasn't sure what all the buttons did yet. She is wonderfully photogenic, patient, and the most incredible makeup artist I have ever met. She has very kindly allowed me to use her photograph on my website.

Some photographs make themselves. This is my wife, sitting in an open window in the old wooden fort at Fort Edmonton Park.

Matt and his friend, Ash, in Shabithat, Oman. They are fishing guides with and outfitter called No Boundaries Oman. We spent that day exploring the coastline, and stopped in this fishing village.